NOFT-token on a wallet
How to add NOFT-token representation to a MetaMask wallet or other wallet?
Firstly, we need to decide about a wallet.
It's the main wallet Noft Games support. Also, we support displaying NOFT-tokens in MetaMask's assets. To use this feature you need to Import tokens:
Open a MetaMask extension and check a current network. It should be the Binance Smart Chain.
Scroll down to a section with two tabs: Assets and Activity.
Choose the "Assets" one by clicking on the title (getting ahead of ourselves, your NOFTs will be displayed here).
Scroll down a little bit more till the blue "Import token" phrase.
Click on it, and fill in the form with the following data:
Token Contract Address: 0x301817312598f8f48CB7D898d659ca4A4d457Ad8
Token Symbol: NOFT
Token Decimal: 0
Press "Add Custom Token"
Check and press "Import token" on the next page.
Go back to "Assets". NOFT should come up here.
Trust Wallet
If you use Trust Wallet, you can see a NOFT at the Assets section. This tab is called "NFTs" and is placed on the first screen right under your balance. Or rather, it is located to the right of the "Tokens" tab.
The reason for this is because Trust Wallet has own internal dApp browser, where we were successfully listed.
Other Wallets
If you use any other wallet which supports NFTs or crypto-assets, please, contact us ( We will look into the possibility of listing on it!
Last updated